本文介绍了EM773主要特性和优势,方框图,智能电表原理方框图,电表主要元件BOM以及智能电表无线插头电表电路图和电表指标。 NXP 公司的EM773是基于ARM Cortex-M0的低功耗32位智能电表集成电路,CPU频率高达48MHz,具有丰富外设包括多达32KB标闪存,多达8KB数据存储器,一个Fast-mode PlusI2C总线接口,一个RS-485/EIA-485 UART,一个带SSP特性的SPI接口,三个通用计数器/定时器,多达25个GPIO,以及用于电能测量的测量引擎。 EM773主要特性和优势:
ARM Cortex-M0 processor, running at frequencies of up to 48 MHz.
ARM Cortex-M0 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
Serial Wire Debug.
System tick timer.
32 kB on-chip flash programming memory.
8 kB SRAM.
In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) via on-chip bootloader software.
Digital peripherals:
Up to 25 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors.
GPIO pins can be used as edge and level sensitive interrupt sources.
High-current output driver (20 mA) on one pin.
High-current sink drivers (20 mA) on two I2C-bus pins in Fast-mode Plus.
Three general purpose counter/timers with a total of two capture inputs and 10 match outputs.
Programmable WatchDog Timer (WDT).
Analog peripherals:
Metrology Engine for Smart Metering with two current inputs and a voltage input.
Serial interfaces:
UART with fractional baud rate generation, internal FIFO, and RS-485 support.
One SPI controller with SSP features and with FIFO and multi-protocol capabilities.
I2C-bus interface supporting full I2C-bus specification and Fast-mode Plus with a data rate of 1 Mbit/s with multiple address recognition and monitor mode.
Clock generation:
12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1 % accuracy that can optionally be used as a system clock.
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